L.A. Times Community Fund

Your support creates a lifetime of opportunity for others. Get involved with The L.A. Times Community Fund, where you can give back to nonprofits working in the community and to programs within the L.A. Times. Your gift will go toward initiatives which range from education to food insecurity and more. (etc etc)


Food Bowl is the LA Times annual culinary event taking place every September. Each year, the Food Bowl event partners with a nonprofit organization in our ongoing efforts to address the issues around hunger and food insecurity in Los Angeles. By contributing to the LA Times Food Insecurity Project, your dollars will go directly to supporting an organization focused on these issues. Past non-profit partners have included: LA Regional Food Bank, Project Angel Food, World Central Kitchen, No Us Without You and more.

To donate, click the button below and select the L.A. Times Project: “Food Insecurity” in the drop down.

The Los Angeles Times Book Prizes are dedicated to discovering new voices and celebrating the highest quality of writing across the spectrum of book publishing. For over four decades, the program has recognized outstanding literary works published in fiction, history, poetry, biography, young adult literature, science and technology, and more. The Christopher Isherwood and Ray Bradbury Foundations both support prizes in the program – in autobiographical fiction/nonfiction and science fiction/fantasy respectively. These awards extend and preserve the literary legacies of both writers. The full range of 14 prizes showcase and amplify the careers of diverse writers and each year, the prize honorees play a vital and prestigious part of the annual Festival of Books, the nation’s largest book event.

To donate, click the button below and select the L.A. Times Project: “Book Prizes” in the drop down.

Los Angeles Times Book Club and forums: Our popular community book club began in 2019 to build on the Festival of Books and keep the conversations going year-round. We focus on stories relevant to Southern California and the West that illuminate and explain our unique landscape, culture and identity. Every month we share a book and host conversations to explore such topics as immigration, entertainment, food, travel, the environment, criminal justice, sports and social issues. Previous book club guests include President Obama, Julie Andrews, Billie Jean King, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Susan Orlean, George Takei, Ronan Farrow, Nikole Hannah-Jones, Rodrigo Garcia, Charles Yu, Michael Connelly, Lisa See, Luis J. Rodriguez,Father Gregory Boyle, Ann Patchett and Jane Goodall.

To donate, click the button below and select the L.A. Times Project: “Book Club” in the drop down.

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To get involved with LA Times events or inquire about how to become a non-profit partner, contact eventinfo@latimes.com